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It works now in a bizarre way in Affinity D earlier it didn't work at all. The open curve is at first automatically closed.

That closed curve divides the underlying closed shape. Sometimes it can be OK but you may need to make a Boolean Union from several splinters and delete several unwanted pieces.

Or the result is a difficult to predict mess which do not at all have the wanted pieces. You should complete the open curve to a closed shape manually to get large enough augment to the open curve. Draw the needed part with the pen and join the end node pairs. Then you can apply Boolean operations, for ex. Delete the unwanted splinters. Then a more tricky case. Let's assume you want the curved triangle between the open curves as a closed shape:.

One way is to insert to every curve a new node to every crossing. You must select every curve one by one and double click with the node tool on the crossings. The original curve directions are still valid and you get easily unwanted loops to the corners. Designer behaves like it doesn't at all understand what you expect. It pushes the handles into the nodes and the extra loops vanish:. The result is still less than perfect because there's in every corner 2 nodes in the same place.

The extras cannot be removed without changing the shape. Another way is to complete all curves to closed paths by drawing and joining a new part to everyone or by closing the open curves and editing with the node tool everyone so that everyone covers the originally wanted area:. This looks same as the one made by joining curves, but this doesn't have double nodes in the corners. It also doesn't have Shape Builder, but recombining paths - open or closed - is much easier in Inkscape.

See this older case how one can proceed: Does something like Illustrator's "Shape builder" exist in Inkscape. This doesn't work in A. One gets compounds if he applies Boolean operations in A.

Shapes can be cut and pasted Between A. D and Inkscape to both directions. Shapes appear in wrong size in Inkscape, but when returned to A. Of course all Inkscape's effects must be converted to paths before pasting to A. A harmful thing is that shapes pasted from A. Inkscape's Paint Bucket resembles a little shape builder. Actually it is a screenshot to vector tracer. Only what's on the screen can be filled and the accuracy is only the screen resolution.

It has still been very useful. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Alternative way shape builder tool in Affinity Designer Ask Question.

Asked 2 months ago. Affinity Photo. Affinity Publisher. Affinity Content. Official Workbooks. Official T-Shirts. Learn more about Apple and Affinity updates. We no longer support Internet Explorer. Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience.


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